"We are God's children, and if we Ever got that through our heads thouroughly and understood that competely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word. We would not use bad language. We would not criticize anybody. We would love everyone the way the Savior loves us."

-Marjorie Pay HInckley-

Saturday, April 18, 2009

WHY won't he leave me alone!!!!!?

Have you ever had someone who wouldn't leave you alone!? Well I have and I don't know what to do. This person that I dated for about 2 weeks won't leave me alone. I'm afraid that he still has feelings for me and its making our friendship AWKWARD!!! He thinks that its funny to annoy me and I just shrug it off because I'm trying to be patient. Well ignoring doesn't seem to work that well cause he didn't get it the first time. Last night at the dance he grabbed me in the hall way while I was talking to some friends and he was dancing w/ me but it was an AWE dance....then he walked away and came back and rubbed my back and said...keep in mind he is rubbing my back "Sorry to make that awkward for you" then he walked away. He made it very AWKWARD for me and idk what to do. I know I need to tell him that we can't be friends if he is gonna act like this but idk how to do that either w/ out crushing his heart again. HELP!!!!!!!!! I wish I knew what to do but I'm definitely lost on this one.

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