"We are God's children, and if we Ever got that through our heads thouroughly and understood that competely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word. We would not use bad language. We would not criticize anybody. We would love everyone the way the Savior loves us."

-Marjorie Pay HInckley-

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yesterday was one of the greatest days of my life! My best friend in the whole wide world got home from his mission. He got home about 3pm and then was released as a missionary about and hour later. I know all this because of his awesome cousin Matt. I am so excited to see him. I will be making a SURPRISE visit home to see him and my family and then make it back to T-Town before Institute Graduation...it is going to be a very quick trip but TOTALLY worth every hour I have to be in a car. I wasn't going to be able to see him until I went home after school got out but then I found out he is speaking on Sunday and so Wendy said "If you want to go home I will take you if you pay for gas" I was so excited....I said " you would do that for me?" she told me yes she would. I'm so excited and thankful for her and her love for me!!! Wendy is coming with me and its going to be great. I will update everyone on my weekend after it happens. Last night about 9:00 or so Wendy and Stephanie(my new roomies for next semester) went out to the hot tubs and had an amazing night! I love the two of them so much and am glad that they are my friends.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm way excited for you hun! Good luck :-)