"We are God's children, and if we Ever got that through our heads thouroughly and understood that competely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word. We would not use bad language. We would not criticize anybody. We would love everyone the way the Savior loves us."

-Marjorie Pay HInckley-

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Am I Ready? When will I be Ready?

So today in institute we learned about marriage. We were talking about Why man can not be alone. It was a great lesson and it got me thinking. We learned that men need women and women need men. Well you are thinking that's silly we don't need each other or you are asking yourself why do we need each other. Well its simple....we need each other first of all to multiply and replenish the earth, learn from one another, and work as a team. We learned that oxen have what is called a YOKE around their necks to teach them to work together. If one is doing all the work the ox will not go anywhere or it will be going in the wrong direction. So the YOKE is to help the ox to work together and learn from one another! So the YOKE is there to help the man and the woman to work together. A marriage is a two way street, a partnership, UNITY, and nothing less. There are definitely more things a marriage but these things are important.

President N. Eldon Tanner said

"When young people come to me for advice about courtship and marriage I usually suggest that they ask themselves the following questions:

What kind of mother or father do I want my children to have?

What kind of parent am I prepared to be?

Do I want to associate with someone because of his or her popularity only, or do I look deeper for spiritual and moral qualities?

Am I analyzing our similarities and differences in background, culture, and intellect?

Am I prepared to adjust to these differences?

Do I realize that such adjustments need to be made before marriage?

"These considerations will certainly help in making a proper choice for a companion with whom one is prepared to spend eternity. Then after the marriage there are many responsibilities that cannot be taken lightly; but with each contacting party assuming his or her full share of responsibility, there is nothing in this life that will bring greater satisfaction and happiness."

I loved this quote when I read it. It helps me to know what I am looking for. These are questions that EVERYONE should have in mind when getting into a relationship and when deciding to get married.

I think that all this will come in time. I think that Marriage is something that is definitely worked at....its not a free ride on life's roller coaster. Its definitely a two way street and that is the only way that it will ever work.

I know that we learn about marriage a lot because we are in college but this lesson is a great one to learn and I think that EVERONE should hear it no matter if you are 18 or if you are older. It helps put life into prospective for sure. It helps when making decisions as important as marriage. Marriage is definitely for all ETERNITY and that is a long time to be unhappy. So choose wisely when making this decision. Fasting a Prayer is a HUGE part of this decision. Our Heavenly Father is there to help us no matter the decision...no matter how big or small it is, He is ALWAYS there for us! So don't try to do this on your own....its not worth the unhappiness in the long run!

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