"We are God's children, and if we Ever got that through our heads thouroughly and understood that competely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word. We would not use bad language. We would not criticize anybody. We would love everyone the way the Savior loves us."

-Marjorie Pay HInckley-

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was talking to a friend today and she showed this AMAZING quote to me...I wish I knew who said it!

"Worry is like a Rocking Chair-it will give you something to do-but it won't get you ANYWHERE!!"

I love this quote and it applies to my life a lot! I worry a lot and I never seem to get anywhere when I worry...I'm gonna keep this quote near me always! It has helped me a lot today and will help me a lot in the future!

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