"We are God's children, and if we Ever got that through our heads thouroughly and understood that competely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word. We would not use bad language. We would not criticize anybody. We would love everyone the way the Savior loves us."

-Marjorie Pay HInckley-

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why am I special?

So today in Relief Society I had an AMAZING lesson taught by Jenni Hoffman. She is an AWESOME girl and I love her. She read the book about the little wooden people and how Ponchanello was not liked because he couldn't jump high or what ever so he had dots....well This lesson was FANTASTIC!! She taught us why we are special and how we need to listen to the Lord like Ponchanello did to Eli. Eli represents our loving Heavenly Father and we are the little wooden people. If we know and believe that we are special and we listen to what God think and no one else then no gold star or grey dot will stick to us. We are special and unique in our own ways. We all have talents that we share each and every day w/ others and if we aren't then we should. At the end of the lesson Jenni handed out a small piece of paper that said "You Are Special" and she asked us to take a few moments and write what makes us special. It was a great lesson. Its always nice to be reminded of our self worth to our Father in Heaven. Bishop talked to us as well about how it doesn't matter what others think about us. It only matters what we think or our selves and what Heavenly Father thinks of us. Bishop asked us what the first part of the YW theme was and we told him " We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him" and he told us that if we live by this we will never forget it. He also said that if we didn't have this on our walls then we needed it there to remind us often. I'm so grateful for this lesson.

"Let us ALL recognize that each of us is a son/daughter of our Heavenly Father, who LovesALL His Children" -President Hinckley-

So if you are reading this and thinking "why am i special?" I would challenge you to find a piece of paper and write why you are special.

"You Are Special"

I'm always happy
I'm a good listener
I'm loving
I love teaching and am good at it
I'm a daughter of my Heavenly Father
My heavenly Father LOVES me
I can do anything that I put my mind and heart to and with help from My Father in Heaven I can DO ALL THINGS!

"Small and simple things are great things brought to pass"


Lisa Love said...

Stacie, you are extra special to me. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for you. I love that book and have given it away to so many people. it never ceases to touch me each time I read it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts from the wonderful lesson.

A Piece of the Puzzel...Journey Through Life (Stacie) said...

I love this book too! Its a great one. I love you too and have always had a place in my heart for you as well. You are an amazing woman and are special to me too!